About the examples

Currently, there are several examples that exist in the repo that you're able to run locally. These are not meant to be what you base your application on, but exist to show very specific behaviors that you may not actually want or need in your application. For most users, the basic examples in the Queries and Mutations sections will cover the majority of your needs.

As a part of the CI setup, the examples are automatically built and deployed via the magic and goodwill of CodeSandbox CI. If you're interested, you can always see the latest builds for every PR at any time.

Please note that when playing with the examples in CodeSandbox that you can experience quirky behavior, especially if you fork them and start editing files. Hot reloading, CSB service workers and msw sometimes have trouble getting on the right page -- when that happens, just refresh in the CSB browser pane.

Running the examples

Clone the repo, and in the root directory run:

yarn prepareExamples

This will build the library, build the examples, and properly link the dependencies. If you want to run tests, you can run yarn test in the root to see the core tests.

Windows Users

If you do choose to run the examples locally and you're a Windows user, make sure to use wsl2 when you clone the repo, or run them in docker.